Help - Accessibility
Access Keys
Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that give a keyboard user or user of a screen-reader quick and easy access to the web sites main areas of interest.
The following access keys are available:
- Home - Alt+1
- About - Alt+2
- Search - Alt+3
- Magazine - Alt+4
- Help - Alt+5
- Resources - Alt+6
- Text only - Alt+7
- Skip to content - Alt+8
- Accessibility - Alt+9
- Site Map - Alt+0
- Add to Favorites - Alt+-
- Translate - Alt+=
- Hi Viz style - Alt+b
- Default style - Alt+w
Select the access key and then Enter will send you to the required content. If you are using a Macintosh then use the CTRL key instead of ALT. Some browsers may not support the use of access keys.
Alternative Style
We have created an alternative style called Hi Viz that may suit your needs if you are having difficulty in seeing the site. It provides a high level of contrast and will automatically increase the text size.
Not all browsers may support this feature. If you are having difficulty making the switch then ensure you have Javascript and Cookies enabled.